Sultan Award: Celebrating Excellence in Our Students

Sponsored by the Rancho Rosal PTA


We are proud to present the Sultan Award, a prestigious monthly recognition to honor students who demonstrate exceptional effort, leadership, community involvement, and commitment to Rancho Rosal’s values.

What is the Sultan Award?

This award celebrates students who go above and beyond, embodying the noble qualities of the Camarillo White Stallion—strength, grace, leadership, and perseverance. The name "Sultan" reflects leadership and excellence, recognizing students who set a high standard for character and dedication.

Award Criteria

Students selected for this award will:

  • Demonstrate Leadership: Take initiative and set a strong example for peers.
  • Go Above and Beyond: Consistently exceed expectations in the classroom and school activities.
  • Show Dedication: Commit to personal growth, academic success, and helping others.
  • Make a Positive Impact: Contribute to the school community through kindness, leadership, or volunteerism.

How the Award Works

  1. Nominations: Staff, teachers, and PTA members nominate students who embody Sultan Stallion qualities.
  2. Selection: The PTA Board reviews nominations and selects one or more students each month.
  3. Recognition: Awardees will be celebrated in these ways:
    • Formal Recognition: Winners are invited to a PTA meeting where they receive a certificate, a special gift, and public acknowledgment of their achievements.
    • Monthly Newsletter: A shout-out in the PTA newsletter highlights the winners and their contributions.

How You Can Get Involved

  • Nominate a Student: Nomination forms are available on our website:
  • Celebrate the Winners: Join PTA meetings and applaud the achievements of these exceptional students.
  • Spread the Word: Share the news about the Sultan Award to inspire more nominations and celebrate our community.

Nominate a Sultan Stallion Today!

Do you know a student who embodies the qualities of a Sultan Stallion?

Submit your nomination using this form:

Nominate a Sultan.


For questions, please contact the Stallion Award Chair:
Crystal Bryant |

Upcoming Events:


12/23-1/3: Winter Break - NO SCHOOL

1/6: Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL

1/20: Martin Luther King Day - NO SCHOOL

1/21: Apex Pep Rally

1/27-1/31: CAO Testing (Registered Students Only)

1/29: Noon Dismissal Grades TK-5 

1/30: Apex Fun Run 

1/31: Super Hero Day


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School Supply ListsClick on your grade level below to view the suggested school supply list.

TK List

Kinder List

1st Grade List

2nd Grade List

3rd Grade List

4th Grade List

5th Grade List